Michel Armand French NIckled Bronze RARE Table Lamp
Atelier Michel Armand, 'Fleur' table lamp in nickled bronze. This sculptural lamp is crafted by Atelier Michel Armand. Its abstract form is that of a flower, meticulously crafted from a composition of petals. When the lamp is lit, the light shines through the openings, reflecting the surface in a delightful manner, leaving a shimmering and glowing effect. Founded in 1978, the Atelier Michel Armand was a small-scale establishment, the company had a staff count of no more than seven employees. The individuals at the helm were Robert Martin and Michel Dumas, and it is likely that one or both of them functioned as the designer(s). The atelier's primary focus was the production of limited edition, high-quality lighting fixtures, with only a few models made. The lamps were often crafted from bronze and took on various forms, such as a flower, hive, or flame, to name a few. The company ceased its operations in 1986. 18” h x 5”d x 8” w